Friday, July 10, 2015

A Wylde Rush: Cosby Edition

I'd like to take the time to write the facts on Bill Cosby and his drug fetish. Over the last week I've heard confusing news stories and quotes, so I'd like to clear the air with no distractions.
Cosby drugged every single one of them.

Let's review what we know. Over the last year, every woman and their mothers came out accusing Cosby of trying to further their careers. This annoyed Cosby and in most cases he denied doing such a thing. The times he did help further a career, he insisted that each woman took a special drug to make them better at acting.
Cosby Cat was the one to collect the drugs

Not a distraction
So how did Cosby get away with it all? Until recently, he was able to pin the whole thing on his accomplice, Cosby Cat (pictured here). Cat was the one to get the drugs for Bill. and once Cat mentioned going public, Bill became furious and blamed Cat for everything. Bill made up the story that while he was attending to something else, Cosby Cat would drug the women. Then, Bill stated emphatically, Cat would put on a Bill Cosby Mask and attach a strap-on so he could molest the women involved (some pictured above).

Cat's lawyer wasted no time in collecting stories from the victims. They recollected only colors and shapes, so Cat was out of luck. All of the women remembered a black shadow looming over them and the feeling of a phallus in different places.

To save himself, Cat threw his life on the mercy of the court. Once he confessed to getting the drugs for Bill, he was let go on probation due to his help. Bill is now wanted for 523 acts of molestation, 757 counts of sexual assault, and various other charges. When asked to comment in an interview, Bill said, "As my friend OJ would say, if I did it, I didn't get caught. At least until that damn cat lied about me." 

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