Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Wylde's Best: Matt Walsh

The man himself
As we all know, Oscar Wylde lives on through his devoted followers, such as myself. Thus, it is my privilege to introduce one of Oscar's biggest targets of derision, Matt Walsh. It's not that Walsh is always wrong. But as they say, a stopped clock is right twice a day, and a third time when you're drinking.

Matt Walsh is known as a prolific writer for The Blaze. He spends his time worrying about what everyone else is doing. Perhaps this is why he's been depressed and sometimes feels overwhelmed. After all, worrying about what everyone is doing is probably exhausting. He's not without some high points though. By calling out Planned Parenthood for their evil ways (after all, how can killing the defenseless be defended?), he uses his platform for good. Additionally, he's willing to point out bad politicians on both sides of the aisle. This is generally a good thing.

So why does Wylde deride Walsh so much? Well, firstly, Walsh comes across as a bit pretentious. His posts usually exceed 2000 words with little reason. Oscar would often copy posts (excerpts in his time) onto paper and edit them to make them better, as seen in Wylde's Books. In modern times, his followers do the same with Word and bloggers like Matt Walsh. Between his repetition and not getting to the point, most of Matt's posts can be reduced to 1000 words or less.

What's more, Mr. Walsh has rather one dimensional thinking. Even aside from the points brought up in Wylde Notions: Deism, Matt has a hard time making a point without resorting to appeal to authority, a logical fallacy. I admire that he sticks to his guns, in this case his faith, but he can't seem to make a point outside of it, or to demonstrate why it's supposed to be true. If it's in the Bible, he has an argument. That's about it.

Matt Walsh advocates spanking, sees mental illness as a spiritual struggle, and thinks all Left leaning people are evil. This sentence usually shows how the previous sentence is a joke or exaggeration; it is not. He fails to see how mental illness is generally, but not limited to, imbalances in brain chemicals. Or that spanking can traumatize children and teach them that might makes right. And also that there are decent Left political people, especially those who are pro-life. As can be guessed, his non-Biblical arguments are often straw men and appeal only to third graders.

Matt's favorite target
As Matt struggles to make a point outside of his usual rhetoric, conservative leaning thinkers such as myself look on in embarrassment. Speaking for myself, I try to see things from a modern Utilitarian viewpoint. That is, improve the overall good for everyone. While I disagree with welfare systems, I refuse to make a straw man of people who do and thus shut down any debate before points can be made. This is opposite of Matt Walsh's style. Rather than learn why people hold certain views, he simply demonizes them.

Rather than admit his views are too simplistic to interact with the complex situations of life, Matt doubles down and insists that he;s right because of the Bible. Then again, he often declares himself correct as a Professional Sayer of Truths and doesn't always appeal to the Bible. But when he does, he's run out of ideas.

Now I'd like to close with a quick note. Mr. Walsh views blog posts like this as trying to ride on his popularity. While I might get more views because of using him as subject matter, that's not my aim. My aim is to take a sober look at how he does things and reveal him as the amateur he is. He avoids critique and ridicules dissenters. It's time he took a serious look at the shilling he does.